Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Brennen's Baby Book

Brennen Patrick has not entered the world yet, but there
was a baby shower in his honor last weekend.
His nursery is going to have the theme of woodland animals,
so that was the theme of the journal/photo book
I gave my niece, the mother-to-be.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Home Schooling and a Tie Skirt

This past week I spent three days with my sister's children while their parents were on a well deserved vacation. Beatrice and I plowed through a weeks worth of lessons due to the promise of a new tie skirt and some sewing time as a reward.

Bea picked out the ties and arranged them as I sewed.
Than she sewed a purse out of the remains "Entirely by herself"!
As she said, "This is so much fun! I just can't stop saying that....
this is soooo much fun."

"I'm so happy, this is like a glorious moment of my life." ~Bea

I enjoyed it too Bea, you were a great student (of sewing).
Well....... Art class was really fun too!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gotcha Day!

Twenty-two years ago:
My husband dropped me off at an airport
three hours from our home.
He drove back into an unannounced blizzard.
Spent 15 hours in our pick-up
stuck in a drift between here and there.
There were no cell phones then!
Family and friends prayed through the night.
Brazilian airlines are on strike.
I took another airline...landed in Rio,
Carnival time and flooding.
I am in the south, I need to be in the north.
I know my husband has not arrived home.
I don't speak Portuguese.
People are praying.
Fly through the night to Belem ...the Amazon.
Phone call - Blair is safe.
I become a mother for the second time,
meeting our two month old, 6 lb. daughter.
Jane Raquel
Prayers answered.

I made this necklace as a gift to my daughter
in celebration of the day we met.
We are so glad we GOTCHA!

Little Valentine

We love you EJ,
and your new little brother or sister.
~ Opa & Oma

"How high's the water, mama?"

"....well, it's five feet high and risin'."

photos: yesterday and today

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Two More ....

Just mailed these two off this past weekend.
"Handkerchief Dolls" ........ I wonder how many I have made?!?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Remains of the Day

Yesterday afternoon, January 31,
I removed the last little remains of Christmas decorations.
Little bits here and there, a snowman or two, a small tree, a nativity,
an angel, jars of ornaments
and all the frames that formed the garland on the Christmas tree.
I hate to rush things;)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Radio Head and his Animal Collective

I have never been a fan of robots
until I saw Amy Flynn's "Fobots"
-- love them,
and so does my daughter.
As a surprise for her birthday,
I built one
(with the help of my husband).
He represents
two of her favorite bands,
Radiohead and Animal Collective.
Radio Head along with the
chocolate and money
tucked inside
was well received!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

DJ, Caleb & Danny.....or EJ, Gabe & Danica

The baby books were gifts I got to deliver today to the two newest members of the family. Danica who is visiting from Texas while Daddy is in Iraq and Gabe. Gabriel Adinew arrived home with my niece and her husband from Ethiopia 17 days ago. Welcome to the family Gabe!

Baby Books for Danica & Gabriel

Did I mention I love books?

I love reading books.........collecting books...........making books.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mittens and More Mittens

Just finished these up today and they are off to college with Jane, for the roomies.

Pothead Waiting for Spring

Winter Garden

I do enjoy my winter gardens.

January 1, 2010

Celebrated EJ's Birthday.

Birthday Breakfast
Birthday Bath
Birthday Balloons