Thursday, February 25, 2010

Home Schooling and a Tie Skirt

This past week I spent three days with my sister's children while their parents were on a well deserved vacation. Beatrice and I plowed through a weeks worth of lessons due to the promise of a new tie skirt and some sewing time as a reward.

Bea picked out the ties and arranged them as I sewed.
Than she sewed a purse out of the remains "Entirely by herself"!
As she said, "This is so much fun! I just can't stop saying that....
this is soooo much fun."

"I'm so happy, this is like a glorious moment of my life." ~Bea

I enjoyed it too Bea, you were a great student (of sewing).
Well....... Art class was really fun too!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gotcha Day!

Twenty-two years ago:
My husband dropped me off at an airport
three hours from our home.
He drove back into an unannounced blizzard.
Spent 15 hours in our pick-up
stuck in a drift between here and there.
There were no cell phones then!
Family and friends prayed through the night.
Brazilian airlines are on strike.
I took another airline...landed in Rio,
Carnival time and flooding.
I am in the south, I need to be in the north.
I know my husband has not arrived home.
I don't speak Portuguese.
People are praying.
Fly through the night to Belem ...the Amazon.
Phone call - Blair is safe.
I become a mother for the second time,
meeting our two month old, 6 lb. daughter.
Jane Raquel
Prayers answered.

I made this necklace as a gift to my daughter
in celebration of the day we met.
We are so glad we GOTCHA!

Little Valentine

We love you EJ,
and your new little brother or sister.
~ Opa & Oma

"How high's the water, mama?"

"....well, it's five feet high and risin'."

photos: yesterday and today

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Two More ....

Just mailed these two off this past weekend.
"Handkerchief Dolls" ........ I wonder how many I have made?!?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Remains of the Day

Yesterday afternoon, January 31,
I removed the last little remains of Christmas decorations.
Little bits here and there, a snowman or two, a small tree, a nativity,
an angel, jars of ornaments
and all the frames that formed the garland on the Christmas tree.
I hate to rush things;)